Telegram Payments
Whatsapp Payments
Premium Content

Platform To Grow

Exclusive Feed : Our application enables content creators to express their thoughts, ideas, and passions globally. Featuring a user-friendly interface, creators can effortlessly craft and distribute posts, utilizing hashtags, @mentions, and more to expand their audience and amplify their channel's growth. Embrace the #PowerToCreators movement and unlock your creative prowess today!

Locked Message : Our service empowers customers to monetize their content by generating locked messages, which they can then share with their community using a unique link..

Telegram Subscription Manager :Our Telegram Manager service is tailor- made for businesses, organizations, and individuals seeking to monetize their Telegram channel and cultivate a dedicated community of engaged subscribers. With our assistance, customers can concentrate on crafting valuable content, leaving us to manage the technical aspects of handling subscriptions and payments.

Broadcast :A broadcast list is a convenient feature enabling users to send messages to multiple recipients simultaneously. By utilizing broadcast lists, individuals can maintain engagement by providing regular updates, news, or other relevant information, thereby fostering interaction and involvement. Additionally, users can establish joinable broadcast lists as part of a monthly plan, effectively creating a subscription service seamlessly managed by GroFeed.

Hear what our creators across various categories say about Grofeed

Akash Kumar ( Music Techer)

GroFeed has truly been a game-changer, addressing many of the challenges I faced. Managing online courses at Musicwale used to be chaotic until GroFeed stepped in. As a creator, what resonates most is the empowerment it brings. Knowing that the power lies within "you" is incredibly empowering

Rohit Nayar ( Finance expert)

GroFeed facilitated the monetization of our existing community by eliminating significant hurdles such as payment gateways, course management, and community offerings. Thanks to GroFeed, we swiftly garnered our initial 300 paid subscriptions within just 2 months.

Ajay Singh( Creator)

It's fantastic to hear that you find GroFeed to be an excellent platform for community management! Its user-friendly interface and straightforward approach make it a breeze to navigate. Your recommendation to fellow content creators and influencers speaks volumes about its effectiveness

Rajeev Kumar ( Creator)

GroFeed emerged as the solution for delivering quality feeds, streamlining payment processes to make them incredibly easy. Its user-friendly interface allows for seamless execution of multiple ideas simultaneously, making it a versatile tool for content creators.

Mohit Kumar ( CREATOR)

This app have most of the features that we may need, are at one place 💓 . Loved it's UI and support.

Ankit Raj (Teacher)

Great application, very easy to discover new well curated communities

Hear what our creators across various categories say about Grofeed

It’s Simple. Creators can launch their communities in less than 60 seconds.

Any creator or professional who have their existing communities on Telegram, Whatsapp, Slack or Discord can join qoohoo to automate the monetisation, management and get actionable analytics for their communities.

Members join your communities automatically after the payment is done. They get the reminders on Whatsapp & SMS if their subscriptions are getting over. There is no need to download the qoohoo app for users.

Some trending features like Slot Booking, Courses, Discount Coupons, Premium Locked Content help creators to launch their content in various ways for their communities to engage and monetise easily